Online Event Ticketing System with Price Override Options
What Are Price Overrides?
Modify your standard ticket prices and fees on specific transactions. Pricing overrides allow you to have more flexibility when charging patrons, making your life easier and your customers happier.
With overrides on the transaction level, you can waive all fees on a transaction, give your patrons special discounts, or even directly change the ticket price by clicking on the ticket type and entering in a new price!
Who Is This For?
Organizations that want more flexibility in individual transactions. Specifically, organizations that frequently make pricing exceptions will benefit most from pricing overrides. Better serve your patrons and all of their special circumstances with pricing overrides!
Waive all fees on a transaction, give your patrons special discounts, or even directly change the ticket price.

Works for box office and phone sales

Waive all excess fees on a transaction in one click

Directly modify ticket prices when selecting tickets